1. IAPSM's Position Paper on Influenza Vaccines for Adult Immunization
This paper reviews the current evidence regarding influenza epidemiology, the need for vaccination, immunogenicity, and efficacy of available vaccines and ...
ations for influenza vaccination for adults by the Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM). The risk group among adults includes people with chronic disease, the elderly, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, travelers, and healthcare workers. Influenza activity is affected by seasons, humidity, and latitude, leading to variability in influenza peaks in different regions of India. The most effective preventive intervention against influenza is vaccination. Current influenza vaccines have good safety profiles, vaccine efficacy, and acceptable cost-effectiveness. As the virus mutates, the vaccine composition should follow WHO recommendations for the current influenza season. Introducing readily available, conventional, and less expensive trivalent influenza vaccines under the national program can achieve maximum impact on the adult population and potentially prevent future outbreaks and pandemics. IAPSM recommends considering routine use of IIV for all individuals above 60 years, adults with comorbidities, and pregnant women in India. The program managers should consider the pattern of influenza seasonality in a particular region. Influenza surveillance conducted through a structured network of laboratories in India has the potential to provide information about circulating strains, morbidity, and mortality. IAPSM emphasizes conducting community-based studies regarding influenza’s burden, vaccine efficacy, timing of vaccination, and cost-effectiven...
2. [PDF] An Open Letter to World Leaders to Increase Investment in TB Vaccine ...
New and effective vaccines are essential to tackle this global health crisis. We urge you to prioritize investment in TB vaccine research and development (R&D).
3. [PDF] Retrieval Augmented Fact Verification by Synthesizing Contrastive ...
11 aug 2024 · Anti-vax: a novel twitter dataset for covid-19 vaccine misinformation detection. Public health, 203:23–30. Bing He, Mustaque Ahamad, and ...
4. Need and Rationale of the Adult Immunisation in India: A Review
12 jul 2024 · The health system has experience in providing tetanus toxoid and anti-rabies vaccine to adults. Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccine is also being ...
an context. A total of 29,894 articles were screened from PubMed, Embase and Google Scholar. Of these, a full-text review of 53 articles was done. The findings emphasised the need for adult immunisation in India because of the growing vulnerable elderly population with comorbidities, immunosenescence, waning immunity, rising incidence of VPDs leading to higher morbidity and mortality amongst them, rising cost of hospitalisation and the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. The recommended adult vaccines include human papilloma virus vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, influenza and typhoid vaccine for healthy adults and special population groups, respectively. Challenges include less prioritisation in the National Vaccination Policy, insufficient awareness amongst healthcare providers and vaccine hesitancy....
5. Constructing Physiological Defense Systems against Infectious Disease ...
Raliya R.; Singh Chadha T.; Haddad K.; Biswas P. Perspective on Nanoparticle ... Vaccine Synergises with PD-1 Blockade to Potentiate Anti-Tumour Immunity.
The swift and deadly spread of infectious diseases, alongside the rapid advancement of scientific technology in the past several centuries, has led to the invention of various methods for protecting people from infection. In recent years, a class of ...
6. [PDF] sss-draft-civil-list-2024.pdf - MoSPI
... No.-66982]. भारत सरकार. Government of India. सां यक और काय म ... CHADHA. 24/08/1990. B.Sc.(Hons.) 5-Dec-2013. Sr. Statistical Officer. (On ...
7. [PDF] SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives - IRIS
The authors declare no conflict of interest. Table 6 Sensitivity analyses for surgical patients needing elective non-cancer or cancer surgery, and low, medium, ...
8. Items where Author or Contributor is "Larson, Heidi J"
... vaccination and vaccine trials in Europe. Vaccine, 39 (39). pp. 5673 ... Chadha, Vineet K; Chang, Jung-Chen; Charlson, Fiona J; Chen, Honglei; Chen ...
See AlsoUltraman Fighting Evolution 2Group by: Year | Item Type | Full Text
9. [PDF] Spring 2021 Edition - Perley Health
1 mei 2021 · Neel Chadha will be leaving as an attending staff physician at the ... When fully vaccinated (two weeks after the second dose of vaccine for two ...
10. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives
File Download. There are no files associated with this item. Links for fulltext. (May Require Subscription). Publisher Website: ...
11. Retrieval Augmented Fact Verification by Synthesizing Contrastive ... - arXiv
14 jun 2024 · Anti-vax: a novel twitter dataset for covid-19 vaccine misinformation detection. ... Chadha, Amit P Sheth, and Amitava Das. 2023. The ...
Zhenrui Yue Huimin Zeng Lanyu Shang Yifan Liu Yang Zhang Dong Wang University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign {zhenrui3, huiminz3, lshang3, yifan40, yzhangnd, dwang24}@illinois.edu
12. [PDF] Programme - European Respiratory Society
4 sep 2024 · ... Anti-asthma vaccination / Vaccination anti-asthmatique. Laurent ... Chadha, Sebastian Fernandez-Bussy. PA1638. Estimating the effect of ...
13. Cruelty - Animal Welfare Board of India
Cruelty inflicted to cow by the three anti social persons in a very ... Chadha, Cruelty to Pet Dog, Complaint regarding the brutal cruelty inflicted ...