How Do You Change Keyboard Controls in Batman Arkham Asylum For PC? (2025)

How Do You Change Keyboard Controls in Batman Arkham Asylum For PC? (1)

If you want to change keyboard controls in Batman: Arkham Asylum for PC, there are two main ways to accomplish this. Either you’re having trouble with the mouse wheel or you want to change the arrow keys. In this article, we’ll show you how to adjust your controls in the game. Also, you’ll learn how to change the mouse wheel’s behavior.

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Changing keyboard controls in Arkham Asylum

One of the simplest ways to customize keyboard controls in Batman Arkham Asylum is to use the launcher options. Go to the Options tab and choose the Controls tab. You can also check this option anytime during the game. If you change your mind later, you can always go back and add them. Just make sure to backup the launcher settings first! Then, you can change keyboard controls in Batman Arkham Asylum PC without any trouble.

The Batman Arkham Asylum PC game is a dark, spooky adventure that is set in an immersive prison. As Batman, you’ll have to use your skills to survive in a place where the criminally insane are held in psychiatric hospitals. As a vigilante, you’ll use gadgets and special abilities to cause fear among your enemies. You can also use pheromone trackers to foil the Joker’s devious plot.

Choosing the language in Batman Arkham Asylum PC is not as difficult as you might think. The game supports a number of language codes, including Russian and English. If you have trouble selecting a language for the game, simply edit the INI file in the Arkham City folder and change it to a language you understand. You may need to do this for each language to enable or disable different features in the game.

Changing mouse wheel

Changing the mouse wheel in Batman Arkham Asylum PC will let you use more options while playing the game. You can bind the mouse wheel to open trophies, skip dialog, and open grates. If you need help setting up your mouse wheel, check out this guide. It’ll also show you how to create a save file for the game. Once you’ve created a save file, you can use it to get all the upgrades and gadgets unlocked. You can even modify the settings to change the binds to a different position.

Changing arrow keys

Changing arrow keys in Batman: Arkham Asylum PC is easy. Just open the game, and choose the option in the games menu that is appropriate for you. This will allow you to change the keyboard layout. In the previous versions of Batman, pressing the arrow keys meant pressing the numbers on the console. However, in the new version, these keys have been remapped to SHIFT + 1 and SHIFT + 2. This will make it easier to use the keyboard in the game.

In Batman: Arkham Asylum, you must protect the security guards in the nuthouse from the Joker’s death trap. For this, you have to knock out all the lunatics. Then, use your detective skills to rescue the hostage, or else you’ll be trapped in a death trap. If you’re still not convinced, here are some of the main objectives of the game.

Changing control scheme

You can change the keyboard controls of Batman Arkham Asylum PC game in a few different ways. In this tutorial, you will learn how to change the keyboard mappings of the game. The keyboard layout in this game relies on combo-chaining and the mousewheel to change your weapon. Most people find it easier to use the mouse instead of a keyboard to play the game. The game also features a PC version, which is designed for mouse and keyboard use.

The game supports Russian and English language codes. To change these settings, open the Arkham City folder and then find the BmEngine. ini file. If the language is present, the game will use that language. If it does not, it will default to English. If you don’t want to use either of these languages, you can change them with the Game Options menu. For example, if you want to use Russian, you should change the language code to Russian.

While changing keyboard controls in Batman Arkham Asylum PC is not difficult, it is recommended to play the game with a game controller if possible. The PC controls of the game are easier to use than the ones of the controller. You’ll find that multifunctional keys are much more useful than the traditional game buttons. Various combinations of multiple keys allow you to do more than just type. You’ll find yourself doing more things in less time than you would if you were just using the keyboard alone.

How Do You Change Keyboard Controls in Batman Arkham Asylum For PC? (2025)
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